Divadlo na cucky is a professional independent theatre located in Olomouc, Czech Republic. In our original works we focus on current societal issues and themes. We regularly offer residencies for Czech and international artists, in fields of theatre and performance art. We are now looking to support interactive projects that will strengthen the connections among us, international artists and the local public.
We are looking for companies or groups of artists, who will share their creative work with a group of students from the local Palacky University. The residency will be realized in cooperation with University's Department of Theatre and Film Studies. The students you will be working with are open-minded individuals in various years of study, specializing in theatre and performance theory, history and analysis, with no formal artistic training. You will co-work in form of five workshops, finished by a presentation/ public performance/ work in progress/ demonstration.
You can apply with a new project, or with an already existing project, that you will further develop during the residency. During the residency, you will have time to work on your project alone in the studio, plus you will work with the students in form of workshops with up to ten participants where you can together create, share and learn. The duration of the workshops shall be 5 afternoons, the total amount of work with the students around 15-17 hours. In the end you will have a public performance or presentation involving the participants of the workshop.
The call is open for performers and dancers, in groups of 2 to 6 people. We will support one residency, taking place in October 2023, for a duration of 14 days.
The workshops with the students will take place 2nd to 6th of October.
We are interested in proposals that bring together aesthetics and politics, art and activism, fun and empowerment. We welcome artists that situate theatre, dance, performance and scenography practices on the intersection with critique of capitalism, queer and crip theory and environmental justice.
What we offer:
Black box with dimensions of 5,5 x 7m. There is a possibility to dismount the elevation to make the space bigger (5,5 x 13m). The black box is equipped with a good light and sound systems and a wooden floor with the possibility to cover by vinyl dance floor.
Attic theatre studio measuring 21.5 x 8.9 x 5.2 m, with wooden floor and vaulted wooden ceiling, with basic sound and lighting equipment.
Rehearsal room with dimensions of 4,5 x 7,6 m, with a lot of natural light, sound system, a possibility to darken the space, or project on the walls.
What we ask for in return:
Please send your CVs, information about your company and how you work together and a brief description of the project you would like to work on.
Contact email: heskova@divadlonacucky.cz.
DEADLINE: 10. 9. 2023
Divadlo na cucky, Dolní náměstí 42, 779 00 Olomouc
Program Divadla na cucky produkčně zajišťuje DW7, o.p.s.
Hlavní partneři divadla: